- The game
- Rules
- The beginning
- Tips for the game
- Silver and gold
- Poke Coins
- Pokemon
- Ranks
- TM's and HM's
- Administrators
- Moderators
- Register
- Contact
- Activate account
- Forgot username
- Forgot password
- Account options
- Profile
- Slogan
- Rankinglist
- Pokemon information
- Advertising for gold
- Pokemon reorder
- Sell a pokemon
- Release a pokemon
- Items
- Badge box
- My house
- Pokedex
- Buddylist and Blocklist
- Send message
- Pokemon messenger
- Attack
- Gyms
- Day Missions
- Duel
- Tournament
- Work
- Race
- Traders
- Choose a level
- Premium market
- Pokemon center
- Market
- Bank
- Rent a boat
- Houses seller
- Transferlist
- Daycare
- Name specialist
- Shiny specialist
- Jail
- Gamble
The game
demo is a multiplayer online game.The game has 7 worlds and 808 pokemon!
Anyone can join for free, You can also pay for additional features.
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The rules are on demo are pretty simple:- Not advertise other websites.
- No spamming. (Spamming is a number of times in succession say something unnecessary).
- Ignoring warnings of a Crewmember may lead to a temporary Mute/Ban. If you keep doing this, is a possible permanent Mute/Ban in place.
- The Crew has the right to see and do everything, they can never be held responsible for.
- Cheating is strictly prohibited. If you make a mistake in the game and have discovered these benefits is not allowed. You will be heavily punished. Tell us so.
- No scolding, swearing and/or write vulgar language.
- Racist, offensive and/or accusatory expressions is not allowed
- No arguing.
- Place no links on the chat.
- No private matters discuss through chat, forum and/or on your profile. Do this through Personal Message.
- No flooding (Flooding is the excessive repetition of the same text, word, letters, too many images and/or emoticons).
- Do not prompt for passwords. Never give your password away.
- No double account, only with permission of the owner.
How long the Mute or Ban will be depends on what you did wrong.
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The beginning
In the beginning, Professor Oak will come to you.He will be with you the rules once through and then he gives you a pokemon egg.
You have the choice between a number of pokemon depends on the world where you are at that moment.
After you get the pokemon you can immediately start the game.
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Tips for the game
- Play demo in a Mozilla Firefox browser.
- If you're on a public computer (At school or something), remember your password, then not .
- Also if you're on a public computer plays: Aways log out when you just walk away.
- If you go on vacation, put all your money in the bank and do your pokemon at the daycare.
- Buy Always balls before you start fighting. Who knows what you suddenly encounter.
- If you are looking for a pokemon, look at pokemon information where to find it.
- Become a premium, the additional features are very good.
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Silver and gold
You can pay in demo with silver and gold, here you can see where silver and gold for is:= Silver.
= Gold.
Gold you can buy in the premium market, this allows you to buy some things you can not with silver, like:
- Buy master balls
- Buy rare candy's
- Change username
- Donate gold to other members
- Make from a pokemon, a shiny pokemon
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Poke Coins
You can pay in demo with Poke Coins. Here you see what Poke Coins are.You can win Poke Coins if you are at 00:00 in the Top 3 with the Day Missions.
This allows you to buy some things, such as:
- 100 Silver
- 10 Gold
- 5 Premium Days
- 1 Rare Candy
- 1 Master Ball
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demo has 808 different pokemon and all those pokemon are also in a shiny shape.A shiny pokemon is the same okemon as a normal but rarer and another color.
You can recognize a shiny pokemon the

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TM's and HM's
There are on demo 92 TM's and 8 HM's.TM
A TM can be bought at the market. You can give a TM only to a pokemon with the same type, so if it is an fire attack only a fire pokemon can learn. Some attacks have 2 types.
A TM can be used only 1 time.
A HM can be earned by defeating a gymleader.
The HM can be used as often as you like.
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There are always one or more administrators in a game.The name of an administrator is red.
These are the functions of an administrator:
- Help people by answering their questions.
If you see an error in the game we would like to hear.
If someone insults you out if you are in any degree offended let us know, We do our best to have something to do.
Do not ask if you can be an administrator. If we need a new, then we choose them.
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There are always one or more moderators in a game.The name of a moderator is blue.
These are the functions of a moderator:
- Help people by answering their questions.
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Fill in all fields when registering as well as possible.Your email address must be valid because that makes your activation email sent there.
You check the bottom of the page that the only thing your account. Try not to lie about it.
Look after you have created your account as to which email address the email is sent. You can always make a typing mistake.
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If something goes wrong, you can always contact us. By this we mean:- Activation mail not received.
- The activation can not.
- I can not go on my account.
- To be linkpartners.
- Questions about the site.
We always try as soon as possible to send a message or email back.
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Activate account
Before you can play you must first activate your account.The activation code is sent to your email address you specified when logging.
If you are unable to activate the account please let us know by contact.
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Forgot username
Enter your email and your username will be sent to your email address.If you do not receive email please let us know by contact.
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Forgot password
Enter your username and email and get a new password sent to your e-mail address.Login with the new password and you can change your password in the game at Account options - Password.
If you do not receive email please let us know by contact.
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Account options
Account options has 5 different page's:
Here you can edit your data.
Please update your profile as honestly as possible to fill, so first name, last name, country, and sex.
You can also check whether your team and badges on your profile come to be.
Badges on your profile is only available if you have a badge box.

Here you can change your password.
Try this easy to remember.

Everything you enter is below the bottom of your profile to stand.
If you click on Here there will appear a page where all codes as responsible:
- Set youtube videos on your profile.
- Set a pokemon on your profile.
- Change text color.
- Etc. etc.

You can restart your account 1 time at a day.
This is to allow members not every 15 minutes restart their account because they do not like their pokemon.
Suppose you do not like your pokemon you can always trade with someone. If this really does not work you can always consider about 24 hours to restart your account.
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Each member has his/her own profile.Which is also accessible if you are not logged in through rankinglist.
Add to your profile no negative things about other players. Invective are not allowed.
You can make your profile very nice, see for Account options - Profile above.
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Each member has his/her own slogan.Which is also accessible if you are not logged in through rankinglist.
Add no negative things about other players. Invective are not allowed.
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This is the list of all the members sorted by rank.If you are not logged in you can also see this page. So know what you're doing!
The top 50 will also be given a medal on their profile.
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Pokemon information
Select a pokemon and you find all the information you need.You can even see where you can that find pokemon (which area + world).
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Advertising for gold
You can send your demo link through MSN, Hyves, Facebook, etc..For each registered member you get some gold!
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Pokemon reorder
With this system you have the pokemon drag up or down.It will automatically be saved.
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Sell a pokemon
You can sell a pokemon.Set him on the transferlist.Someone can buy the pokemon you have set him on t he transferlist.
A pokemon has a certain value, the asking price may be worth up to 1.5x and at least half of its value.
You can't sell your starter pokemon, who is too much attached to you.
A Premium Member may set 3 pokemon on the transferlist. A normal member 1.
You can sell a pokemon from rank 4 Casual.
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Release a pokemon
You can release a pokemon on demo.You'll get the ball back which caught, at least if your item box is not full.
You can't release your starter pokemon, who is too much attached to you.
Note: this can not be reversed.
You can release a pokemon from rank 5 Trainer.
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Here I kept all the items you have.They can also be used or sell.
You start with a bag, it can contain 20 items. If you want more items you have to buy in the market a Yellow box, Blue box or Red box.
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Badge box
For each world, you have a box for your badges.The badges come automatically to lie here if you have them.
You get a badge box from the gymleader you as first defeat.
This page is only accessible if you've got the badge box from a gymleader.
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My house
In the normal pokemon games are the pokemon move in the pokemon center with a computer.In demo is different, you have a house!
You start with a box, 2 pokemon here can stay in.
At the house seller you can buy a house which can accommodate more pokemon.
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PokedexIn your Pokedex is saved what pokemon you've seen and what you have caught.
You should first buy a Pokedex at the market.
Pokedex chip
You can also buy at the market a Pokedex chip. that's a update for your Pokedex.
With this you can see the level of a wild pokemon.
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Buddylist and Blocklist
BuddylistThe buddylist is easy to make someone to give money or send a message. You no longer need to search for a player.
Here all members in that you have blocked.
A member who has blocked you can not send messages, you also not to those.
Apply this also as someone insulted you.
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Send message
You can send a message on demo to another member.Think about what you are sending. When rules state what can and can not!
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First you choose an area where you want to fight.Then a pokemon appear who wants to fight you.
Shiny & Legendary pokemon
You can even encounter Shiny pokemon or Legendary. It does not matter what rank you are, the probability of a Shiny or Legendary is always great.
Happiness mandatory course you off as much as possible to continue attacks.
Sometimes a trainer or Team Rocket suddenly appears to fight you. You have a chance when the trainer or Team Rocket is defeated you get an item or some silver.
Before you can run you first need to buy a bike in the market.
A bicycle works only a with wild pokemon, So not at a trainer battle.
If you lose 25% of your silver off, what cash you have with you.
Go therefore often along the pokemon center! Do not gamble on another pokemon because there is always a trainer emerge.
Error code
When suddenly an error code pops would be useful to mention them to an administrator. Tell then also the error code you saw.
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In each world are 8 gyms. You can only challenge a gym if you rank is high enough.= Pokemon is alive.
= Pokemon is Knock out.
After the fight, the gymleader gives you what you deserve. This is usually a badge and some silver.
The gyms are only available from rank 8 Macho.
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Day Missions
At the Day Missions you must complete several missions per day. If you are at 00:00 in Top 3 you get a reward. If you win, you can not do 3 days along with the day missions.The Day Missions are only available from rank 6 Great Trainer.
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You can also in demo duel against other members.If you win you get the pickled price.
It will be saved who wins.
Duel is only accessible if you're Premium, you can only duel against a Premium Member.
Duel is only available from rank 5 Trainer.
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You can also participate in a tournament.The member who wins goes a round further!
Tournament is only accessible if you're Premium and is only available from rank 5 Trainer.
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In demo you can also work for some silver.The higher your rank how easy the work is. This also means that when you start you can not rob casino. The chance that this will happen is very small.
A Premium Member has additional job opportunities.
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You can race against other members.The system automatically selects your fastest pokemon, race you there. Against the fastest of your opponent.
The pokemon can running up against a tree, etc.
If a race invitation already 3 days old it will be automatically deleted.
Racing is available from rank 4 Casual.
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There are also trainers who want to trade pokemon.They tell you what pokemon they want and what they have for you.
Every day at 3:00 be the pokemon renewed.
If you have trade you can not trade for 3 days with the traders.
Tip: exchange as much as possible because this will cause the pokemon after a battle more EXP points.
Traders are only available from rank 5 Trainer.
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Choose a level
Choose a level is a function where you can check what level pokemon you want to encounter in the wild.This function is only available from rank 16 Professional.
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Pokemon center
You can heal your pokemon here again full of life.It is free, it just takes some time.
A Premium member must wait 10 sec for the healing of the pokemon, and a normal member 30 seconds.
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In the market you can buy all the things you need:- Balls
- Potions
- Items
- Special items
- Stones
- Plates
- Transform items
- Pokemon eggs
- TM's
Pokemon eggs are only available from rank 2 Junior.
TM's are only available from rank 5 Trainer.
Transform items are only available from rank 11 Elite Trainer.
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Functions of the Bank:- Deposit silver to the bank.
- Deposit silver from the bank.
- Transfer money to another member.
A Premium Member can deposit money to the bank 10x per day, a normal member 5x.
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Rent a boat
You can rent a boat to sail to another world.This takes no time, you're there in less than 1 second!
You paid tickets for all your pokemon + yourself.
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Houses seller
Buy a house on demo. The bigger the house, the more pokemon in it can stay.You can not sell your house and you can only get better buy than you already have.
If you have a Villa (the biggest house) house seller disappears from the menu.
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Hier kun je een Pokémon kopen.Hoe hoger jouw rank is, hoe hoger de level is wat je van de transferlijst kunt kopen.
Als je een Pokémon hebt gekocht zit die in je huis.
De transferlijst is beschikbaar vanaf rank 4 Casual.
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Here you can bring pokemon and the daycare is trying to train them.Sometimes a pokemon even grows 2 levels per day!
Sometimes you get a baby pokemon (an egg). You can pick it up at the daycare if there is 1.
There can only be an egg if the 2 pokemon are the same. For instance:
If you have a 2 Pikachu's and brings to the daycare, you get an egg with Pichu.
A Pikachu and Raichu will not work.
If both are shiny pokemon, the pokemon from the egg will also be shiny.
It works only with pokemon that are not rare.
Tip: a Ditto can come in handy.
A Premium Member can bring 2 Pokemon at the daycare and a normal member 1 pokemon.
The daycare is available from rank 4 Casual.
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Name specialist
The name specialist can change the name of a pokemon.It costs

Note: the name may not be a scold name
The name specialist is available from rank 9 Gym Leader.
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Shiny specialist
The shiny specialist can make a pokemon shiny with gold. Each pokemon has a certain amount of gold needed to be shiny.Due to the impact of the shiny gold 'evolving ' the pokemon into a shiny pokemon.
The shiny specialist is available from rank 10 Shiny Trainer.
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In jailSometimes you gets in jail because you're trying to steal something at work, or do anything else wrong.
You can buyout yourself whether you should hope that someone else breaks you out (released).
You can also go to visit someone in jail and buy him/her out, or break free.
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Toss a coinA simple game where you have to guess whether the coin is heads or tails.
If you do it right you win the stake back twice, in error, you lose the silver.
Who is the quiz
In the 'Who is the quiz' you have to guess what the name is from the pokemon.
Each member can do this 1 time per hour.
Cracking the safe
At 'Cracking the safe' you have to guess the code. If you are wrong 200 Silver is going in the pot. If you got it right, you win the pot and then it get reset and put the pot back on 1000 Silver..
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune is an additional function to free what to get. Spin the wheel and see what your price is.
A Premium Member can spin the wheel 3x per day, a normal member 1x.
Lottery is a very nice variation to gamble.
Members can buy tickets up to 10 per lottery.
The lottery will be raffled at the time what it says. The winner gets all the inlaid money.
The Premium lottery is only available to Premium members. Here you win the inlaid money + a Rare Candy.
The pokemonrace is a very nice variation to gamble.
Members can fill in 5 gold per race.
The pokemonrace get paid at 22:00 hours. The winner gets his inlaid gold time 2,3,4 or 5 back.
The pokemonrace is only available to Premium members.
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