
Strongest legend Strongest nonlegend Statistics

Game statistics

Number of members: 3
Silver in the game: 1.762.725
Number of Pokémon: 0
Total fights: 0

Top 5 silver

# Who Silver
1. Gucci 1.057.575
2. GucIOP 705.075
3. Godly 75

Top 5 Pokémon

# Who Amount
1. Gucci 0
2. GucIOP 0
3. Godly 0

Top 5
Battles won - Battles lost.

# Who Battles
1. Gucci 0
2. GucIOP 0
3. Godly 0

Top 10 newest members

# Who When
1. Godly 2025-01-24 22:08:20
2. GucIOP 2023-03-05 16:32:01
3. Gucci 2023-03-05 16:31:18
4. demo 2016-07-07 12:56:56


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